We carry a variety of Trees & Shrubs including fruit trees, blueberries & raspberries, evergreen trees and shrubs, deciduous trees, flowering shrubs & roses. Please call or email with inquires.
Endless Summer
Endless Summer® Hydrangea shrubs offer everything you are looking for in perennial flowering shrubs: beautiful full blooms, multiple hydrangea colors, low-maintenance care and versatility in planting and hydrangea arrangements. With the collection’s unique re-blooming quality, these hydrangea bushes will fill your garden with incredible blooms all summer long. Because of their adaptability, Endless Summer hydrangeas are great additions to your landscape in so many ways. Whether you are growing hydrangea on many acres, or have a small garden alongside your home. endlesssummerblooms.com almanac.com/plant/hydrangeas USDAHardiness Zones 4-9
Jersey Blueberry Vaccinium corymbosum 'Jersey'
Early season native high bush blueberry variety
Cold hardy, consistent crop
Spreading habit, medium growth rate
Mature height: 5-7 feet
Mature spread: 4-6 feet
Full Sun
Well drained acidic soil
Red/orange foliage in the fall
Pruning:Blueberries should be pruned during the Winter while the bushes are dormant. In Winter, flower buds are easily visible on one-year-old wood and their numbers can be adjusted by pruning to regulate the crop load for the coming year.
USDA Hardiness Zone 3-8
Rugosa Rose
Rugosa roses are known for their extreme hardiness, alluring spicy fragrance, attractive fruit and fall color.
Suitable for difficult sites and tend to have fewer disease problems